Catalogo Fiam - Fratelli Pasian

Step by step, a true vocation for what is really functional, practical and essential has become reality. For forty-four, Fiam has been producing items to give shape to the pleasure of living in comfort areas, all with a passion that is just as rust-free as the metal used since the outset. This success actually comes from far away, when a young mechanic called Francesco Favagrossa expressed himself in a field that is very fashionable these days: recycling; he used to go round collecting American military motorcycles that were heading for the scrap-heap and he re-assembled them, creating original “motorbike-patchwork” which he would sell before he had even finished. In 1975, alongside his sons Ennio and Silvio, he launched his first outdoor items in metal and, still to this very day, every item expresses the target of sobriety and a bearing on the essential, which Fiam and its founder, have always aimed at. These are characteristics that form part of Fiam’s DNA, before the products themselves, distinctive elements that the market instantly acknowledged through awards right from the start. Intuition, method, tenacity, the continual search for technical solutions and a great deal of hard work form the skeleton of a company that believes in irrefutable quality and wholly Italian production. Over the years we have developed important technical innovations, with millions of pieces having been requested all over the world, we have achieved certifications of quality, we produce clean energy, our choices have been increasingly mindful of responsible production with low environmental impact. We have optimized logistics rationalizing transport and every new launched line is increasingly focused on customer needs. Our improvement is ongoing and we continue to feel our design is of substance. Forty-eight years have passed and everything that was essential then remains equally so today. Perhaps one thing has changed: nowadays, if at all possible, we work with even greater passion. Ogni prodotto Fiam è espressione di un rigoroso Made in Italy, come la volontà di studiare e applicare le soluzioni tecniche più all’avanguardia, per giungere a un design fruibile e funzionale al massimo. La scelta dei materiali è tutta di provenienza italiana e questo, unito alla flessibilità affinata nel tempo e all’organizzazione, garantisce la possibilità di riordini rapidi anche in alta stagione. Acciaio e alluminio ad alta resistenza, tessuti tecnici di alto livello, accessori in materiali attentamente selezionati ci permettono di ottenere la massima leggerezza, solidità e durata del prodotto. Every Fiam product is rigorously Made in Italy, with the desire to study and apply the most up-to-date technical solutions in order to achieve enjoyable design and maximum functionality. All selected materials are from Italian sources and this, alongside a flexibility honed over the years and effective management, guarantees the ability to satisfy orders quickly, even in peak season. High resistant steel and aluminium, top quality technical fabrics, accessories in carefully selected materials allow us to obtain the very best in sturdy, lightweight and long-lasting products. DESIGN E PRODUZIONE TUTTA ITALIANA ALL ITALIAN DESIGN AND PRODUCTION